May 24-25th DC Ceremony Form

If you have already onboarded with a Minister you have most likely already filled this out.

The Suggested Donation for the ceremony is on a sliding scale. You are making a donation to our religious 501(c)3 for tax purposes. Tax ID is: 86-1938466. The sliding scale is meant to allow folks with higher incomes to create some support for Congregants with less income.

To reserve your space and confirm attendance
Please select your choice from the Dropdown Menu Below.

Level 1 - For those earning less than $70,000/year = $700.
Level 2 -
 For those earning $70,000 to $120,000 = $900.
Level 3 -
 For those earning $120,000-$165,000 = $1100
Level 4 -
 For those earning more than $165,000 = $1400.

Important! Your group preparation zoom session will be held on May 15th from 6-7pm EST and your integration session with Catherine Board will be held on May 28th from 6-7:30 pm EST. Please make sure to mark your calendars. You will join via Zoom using this ID: 4155959935 

Once you click submit, please go to your email inbox. You will find several emails from us inviting you to pay your donation, sign the practices agreement, and fill out our intake form. Please make sure all of these steps are completed to officially reserve your seat for the ceremony.

After submission you will be redirected to schedule an Intentions Call with a Minister. Please schedule your intentions call for a time slot within two weeks of the ceremony